
19 February 2011

#18 Dragonflies

You've decided again, so here we go with dragonflies ;)

At first, Aeshna affinis (blue-male, green-female):


One more time male:

And some fat badass Libellula depressa (this male is really massive, huge and fat):

And answers:

Q: Cats and rats living in harmony?
A: Yes, rats are in the cage on the desk, cat doesn't have access to them. Anyway, my cat is afraid of rats after one and the onlyy meeting with them :]

Q: Is it because you did photography that I thought you were a woman?
A: I think that there is more men photographers than women. And I am not counting women that bought the DSLR camera and they think that they're artists/photographers/etc. now ;)


  1. The blue dragonfly is beautiful! :D

  2. the second zoomed one looks awesome. i had no idea dragonflies looked that mesmerizing.

  3. >And I am not counting women that bought the DSLR camera and they think that they're artists/photographers/etc. now ;)

    Ah, thats where you got me.

  4. I've always liked dragonflies. Very cool.

  5. blue dragonfly rocks. good shots.

  6. the second zoomed pic is awesome, never seen dragonflies with so much detail like on this one, nice post

  7. dragonflies are so cool. great pics man

  8. dragonflies are really cool

  9. Have you ever seen Dragonfly nymphs? They're one of the younger stages in a dragonfly's life cycle, and they are terrifying!

  10. I agree with everyones posts here haha. Dragonflys are amazing.

  11. Great photos as always, I really love the first two!

  12. Lovely colors on those dragonflies. These really take my back to my childhood where we had a pond near the house, and lots of dragonflies and lily pads.

    I'll have to search through your other posts but I don't remember seeing if you're using a macro lens for any of these.
